True Development Model
Our True Development Model is the combination of assessment, development, and reinforcement. When you rely on us to implement the True Development Model you will achieve better results and realize a greater return on your training investment.
Development Programs for Organizations, Leaders, and Employees
Training and developing talent is critical to your organization’s growth and success.
The Problem
Today, most organizations’ HR professionals are stretched thin and don’t have adequate internal resources or time to design and implement the most effective employee development programs. In addition, launching and administering a coaching and mentoring program can be time-consuming and expensive. The results can vary significantly depending on the readiness and availability of internal talent.
Our Solution
Prositions alleviates many of the burdens that come with implementing employee development programs by using our True Development Model to provide a unique set of solutions for your organization. By combining the power of the Internet, social media, and a global team of experienced and certified coaches, we will deliver compelling results at a fraction of the cost of traditional training and development programs.
True Development Model
Based on our experience working with hundreds of organizations, we know that creating a real impact with training and development programs is not easy. Ultimately, the goal of any program should be to create positive and lasting behavior change and performance improvement. That’s why we created, tested and refined a new paradigm for learning that we call the True Development Model. It combines three of the most critical elements for creating lasting performance improvement: assessment, development, and reinforcement. When you successfully combine these components, your training programs will achieve longer lasting behavior change, more significant performance improvements, and deliver better bottom line results.
Assessment is an important first step in the True Development Model. No two organizations, work teams, or employees are exactly alike, so understanding, accommodating, and leveraging their various differences and needs can influence the potential success or failure of a development program. We typically break the assessment process down into three areas of focus: the organization, the team, and the individual. At the highest level, we conduct a Situational Analysis to help us understand the cultural dynamics and unique characteristics of the organization or group. This helps us tailor and customize the approach and content to the unique needs of the organization. Next, we conduct team and individual assessments to further refine and tailor the approach and program. We have over 50 assessment tools and instruments to help tailor your development programs.
Our research and experience shows that effective learning within an organization typically follows the 70:20:10 method. This means that 70% of the learning is actually informal, experiential, or on-the-job. People learn by watching others, practicing, and perfecting their skills. The next 20% is social in nature and can include effective coaching from a supervisor or manager, mentoring from an executive, or peer collaboration for validation and reinforcement. The remaining 10%, the smallest portion, actually comes from formal training activities like classroom instruction, watching videos, taking eLearning courses, or participating in other structured experiences or events. When we design development solutions, we like to include all of these elements for the most effective results. In addition, we represent most of the industry’s leading off-the-shelf content providers or we can create custom learning programs to fit almost any need.
Reinforcement is important because even the best-designed training programs can experience a significant drop off in effectiveness after the first few weeks of completion. By supporting the trainees when they return to their work environment, learning can be successfully reinforced in instances where their supervisors and/or peers may not fully understand or support the concepts and content delivered in the training classes or programs. Ongoing reinforcement, like coaching and mentoring, is the most important factor to preserve behavior change. Supporting your learners with consistent feedback and encouragement fosters continued growth and sustained benefits for the organization. This is where effective coaching and mentoring can play a critical role in your development programs.
MentorString is the core of our True Development Model and facilitates assessment, development, and reinforcement. By using our cloud-based software you are able to save time and resources. Our built in content and robust reporting helps you better administer assessments, learning programs, and formal training. The virtual collaboration software, which can be used anytime and anywhere, allows employees to find reinforcement by interacting with their coaches, mentors, and peers regularly.
True Value and Results
When we combine our True Development Model with a 70:20:10 program design and then add our coaching and mentoring solutions, we can deliver compelling results at a fraction of the cost of other traditional development programs.
the percent of average productivity increase seen in individuals who had coaching combined with training and development
the percent of average productivity increase seen in individuals who had training alone
*According to a survey by the International Personnel Management Association
Store revenue has increased since the candidate started his coaching engagement. I would attribute this to the individualized attention he received from Prositions’ coach. He’s a very different leader today than he was a few months ago.
In the short time I worked with Prositions, they were able to provide me with very specific tactics and actions to improve my internal communication and effectiveness. My mid-year review specifically noted an improvement which started around the time I began working with Prositions.
The coaching from Prositions was exceptional. The changes we’ve observed in our managers are permanent. It’s a whole new way of life!