Prositions Press Room
Stay up to date with all the latest press releasesNew Funds Fuel Rapid Expansion of HR Technology Company
Prositions Raises $5 Million in Angel Rounds for Growth Plans
Prositions Talent Transformation in the Cloud
CIO Review Technology Special
Come Gather ‘Round People…. The Generational Change
Created by: ELearning! By Frank Russell If you were a child of the ’60s, you probably recognize the beginning words of this Bob Dylan song that became a battle cry for generational change. Indeed, the quote, “Don’t trust anyone over 30!” was also coined during this...
CEOCFO Magazine Interviews Frank Russell, CEO of Prositions
Software and Services for Virtual Mentoring and Social Collaboration using MentorStringTM
Interview conducted by: Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEOCFO Magazine
New Virtual Mentoring Technology to Premiere in Orlando, Florida
Prositions, Inc to Feature MentorString at the 2014 SHRM Conference